IGNOU has come up with a versatile freedom to education portal. Under this a new portal has been developed where students can enroll for about 760 courses for free. There is no,limit to the number of courses one student can enroll in.
After you enroll you can download all the study materials in the form of pdf and read it. Only if need a certification you have to pay a very nominal fees. It differs from course to course but as far as I have seen it ranges from 400/- to 1500/- inr max.
How to access ?
Just visit the site Flexilearn. Make an account, just like any other site. Fill the details. Browse the course. The courses are gouped by many emthods fo convinience. by alhabets, by topic by degree, cetificate etc. All you have to do is enroll in any one or many of you choice and start studying.
The list of the courses offered till date is as follows.
* MS-1 Management Functions and Behaviour
* EPA-01 Administrative Theory
* BPAE-102/EPA-02 Indian Administration
* EPA-03 Development Administration
* EPA-04 Personnel Administration
* EPA-05 Financial Administration
* EPA-06 Public Policy
* MPA-003 Risk Assessment and Vulnerability Analysis
* MPA-004 Disaster Preparedness
* MPA-006 Disaster Medicine
* MPA-011 State, Society and Public Administration
* MPA-012 Administrative Theory
* MPA-016 Decentralisation and Local Governance
* MPA-017 Electronic Governance
* MPA-018 Disaster Management
* MSO-02 Research Methodologies and Methods
* MPS-003 India: Democracy and Development
* CDM-01 Foundation Course in Disaster Management
* CDM-02 Disaster management: Methods and Techniques
* Political Theory (MPS-001)
* International Relations: Theory and Problems (MPS-002)
* India: Democracy and Development (MPS-003)
* Comparative Politics: Issues and Trends (MPS-004)
* India and the World (MPSE-001)
* State and Society in Latin America (MPSE-002)
* Western Political Thought (MPSE-003)
* Social and Political Thought in Modern India (MPSE-004)
* State and society in Africa (MPSE-005)
* Peace and Conflict Studies (MPSE-006)
* Social Movements and Politics in India (MPSE-007)
* State Politics in India (MPSE-008)
* Canada: Politics and Society (MPSE-009)
* Dissertation (MPSE-010)
* The European Union in World Affairs (MPSE-011)
* State and Society in Australia (MPSE-012)
* Australia's Foreign Policy (MPSE-013C)
* Sustainable Development: Issues and Challenges (MED-002)
* Globalisation and Environment (MED-008)
* Ancient and Medieval Societies (MHI-01)
* Modern World (MHI-02)
* Historiography (MHI-03)
* Political Structure in India (MHI-04)
* History of Indian Economy (MHI-05)
* Evolution of Social Structures in India Through the Ages (MHI-06)
* Religious Thought and Belief in India (MHI-07)
* History of Ecology and Environment: India (MHI-08)
* Writing for Radio (English) (AWR-1)
* Environmental Chemistry (AEC-1)
* Export Procedure and Documentation (AED-1)
* Elementary Mechanics (PHE-01)
* Oscillations and Waves (PHE-02)
* Mathematical Methods in Physics-I (PHE-04)
* Mathematical Methods in Physics-II (PHE-05)
* Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (PHE-06)
* Electric and Magnetic Phenomena (PHE-07)
* Optics (PHE-09)
* Physics of Solids (PHE-13)
* Astronomy and Astrophysics (PHE-15)
* Communication Physics (PHE-16)
* Atoms and Molecules (CHE-01)
* Inorganic Chemistry (CHE-02)
* Chemistry Laboratory-I (CHE-03(L))
* Physical Chemistry (CHE-04)
* Organic Chemistry (CHE-05)
* Organic Reaction Mechanism (CHE-06)
* Chemistry Laboratory-II (CHE-07(L))
* Chemistry Laboratory-III (CHE-08(L))
* Biochemistry (CHE-09)
* Spectroscopy (CHE-10)
* Chemistry Laboratory-IV (CHE-11(L))
* Chemistry Laboratory-V (CHE-12(L))
* Calculus (MTE-01)
* Linear Algebra (MTE-02)
* Mathematical Methods (MTE-03)
* Abstract Algebra (MTE-06)
* Advanced Calculus (MTE-07)
* Differential Equations (MTE-08)
* Real Analysis (MTE-09)
* Numerical Analysis (MTE-10)
* Probability and Statistics (MTE-11)
* Linear Programming (MTE-12)
* Discrete Mathematics (MTE-13)
* Mathematical Modelling (MTE-14)
* Patterns of Economic Development : A Comparative Study (EEC-06)
* Industrial Development in India (EEC-07)
* National Income Accounting (EEC-10)
* Indian Economic Development: Issues and Perspectives (EEC-12)
* Elementary Statistical Methods and Survey Techniques (EEC-13)
* Agricultural Development in India (EEC-14)
* Indian Financial Systems (EEC-19)
* Business Organisation (ECO-01)
* Mercantile Law (ECO-05)
* Economic Theory (ECO-06)
* Elements of Statistics (ECO-07)
* Company Law (ECO-08)
* Money, Banking & Financial Institutions (ECO-09)
* Elements of Income Tax (ECO-11)
* Society in India (ECO-12)
* Business Environment (ECO-13)
* Accountancy-II (ECO-14)
* English for Practical Purposes (EEG-04)
* Understanding Poetry (EEG-06)
* Understanding Prose (BEGE-105)
* Fundamentals of Economics (EEC-11)
* Modern Indian Politics Thought (EPS-03)
* Government and Politics in East and South East Asia (EPS-06)
* International Relations (EPS-07)
* Comparative Government and Politics (EPS-09)
* Political Ideas and Ideologies (EPS-11)
* Government & Politics in India (EPS-12)
* South Asia: Economy, Society and Politics (EPS-15)
* Cell Biology (LSE-01)
* Physiology (LSE-05)
* Developmental Biology (LSE-06)
* Taxonomy and Evolution (LSE-07)
* Laboratory Course-II (LSE-08(L))
* Animal Diversity-I (LSE-09)
* Animal Diversity-II (LSE-10)
* Animal Diversity Laboratory (LSE-11(L))
* Plant Diversity-I (LSE-12)
* Plant Diversity Laboratory (LSE-14(L))
* Marketing (AMK-1)
* Office Organisation and Management (AOM-01)
* Teaching Strategies (CTE-03)
* Teaching English-Elementary School (CTE-04)
* Teaching English-Secondary School (CTE-05)
* Foundation Course in English-1 (FEG-01)
* English (FEG-02)
* Ecology (LSE-02)
* The Study of Society (ESO-11)
* Mathematical Methods in Physics-III (PHE-14)
* Modern India: 1857-1964 (EHI-01)
* India: Earliest Times to the 8th Century A.D. (EHI-02)
* India: From 8th Century to 15th Century A.D. (EHI-03)
* India: From 16th to Mid-18th Century (EHI-04)
* India: From Mid-18th to Mid-19th Century (EHI-05)
* Understanding BPO,ITeS and Related Sectors (BCSSI-001)
* English Proficiency (BCSSI-002)
* Business Communication (BCSSI-003)
* Culture Sensitization (BCSSI-004)
* Customer Relationship Management (BCSSI-005)
* Positve Incrementals (BCSSI-006)
* Introduction to Social Work (BSWE-001)
* Social Work intervention with individuals & groups Work (BSWE-002)
* Social Work intervention with communities and institutions (BSWE-003)
* Substance Abuse and Counselling (BSWE-006)
* English in Daily Life (BEG-04)
* Operational Research (AOR-1)
* Statistical Techniques (AST-1)
* Introduction to Planning Management (MAM-001)
* Crop Production Technology (MAM-002)
* Fundamental of Food Science (bpvi-001)
* Fundamentals of Meat Science (bpvi-021)
* Meat Animals and Abattoir Practies (bpvi-022)
* Fresh Meat Technology (bpvi-023)
* Processed Meat Technology (bpvi-024)
* Meat Packaging and Quality Assurance (bpvi-025)
* Poultry Products Technology (bpvi-026)
* Utilisation of Animal by-products (bpvi-027)
* Marketing and Entrepreneurship (bpvi-028)
* Milk Production and quality of Milk (bpvi-011)
* Dairy Equipment and Utilities (bpvi-012)
* Milk Processing and Packaging (bpvi-013)
* Dairy Products-I (bpvi-014)
* Introduction to Organic Farming (bap-001)
* Organic Production System (bapi-001)
* Inspection and Certification of Organic Produce (bapi-002)
* Economics and Marketing of Organic Produce (bapi-003)
* Introduction to Sericulture (blp-001)
* Crop Protection (blp-004)
* Host Plant Cultivation (blpi-002)
* Fondation Course In Humanities and Social Sciences (cs-60)
* Introduction to System Software (cs-63)
* Introduction to Computer Organisation (cs-64)
* Windows Programing Lab (cs-65)
* Relational Database Management Systems(RDBMS)Lab (cs-67)
* Intranet Administration (cs-75)
* Fondation Course In English for Computing (cs-610)
* Introduction to Internet Programming(Java, ActiveX) (cs-74)
* Tcp/IP Programming (cs-69)
* Introduction to DBMS (cs-06)
* Computer Oriented Numerical Techiques (CS-71)
* C++ and Object Oriented Programming (cs-72)
* Theory of Computer Science (cs-73)
* Computer Fundamentals and PC Software (cs-611)
* 'C' Programming and Data Structures (cs-62)
* Multimedia (cs-66)
* Computer Networks (cs-68)
* Introduction to Software Engineering (cs-70)
* Foundation Course in Science and Technology (fst-1)
* Foundation Course in Science and Technology (fst-1)
* Data and File Structures (MCS-021)
* Problem Solving and Programming (MCS-011)
* Computer Organisation and Assembly Language Programming (MCS-012)
* Discrete Mathematics (MCS-013)
* Systems Analysis and Design (MCS-014)
* Communication Skills (MCS-015)
* Internet Concepts and Web Design (MCS-016)
* C and Assembly Language Programming Lab (MCS-017)
* Operating System Concepts and Networking Management (MCS-022)
* Introduction to Database Management Systems (MCS-023)
* Lab(based on MCS-021,022,023 & 024) (MCS-025)
* Design and Analysis of Algorithms (MCS-031)
* Software Engineering (MCS-034)
* Operating System (MCS-041)
* Data Communication and Computer Networks (MCS-042)
* Advanced Database Management Systems (MCS-043)
* Mini Project (MCS-044)
* Lab(Unix & Oracle) (MCSL-045)
* Advance Internet Technologies (MCS-051)
* Parallel Computing MCSE-011)
* Artificial Intelligence & Knowledge Management MCSE-003)
* Principles of Management and Information Systems MCS-052)
* Computer Graphics and Multimedia MCS-053)
* Lab(based on mcs-051 & 053) MCSL-054)
* Curriculum and Instruction (ES-331)
* Psychology of Learning and Development (ES-332)
* Educational Evalution (ES-333)
* Education and Society (ES-334)
* Teacher and School (ES-335)
* Teaching of English (ES-344)
* Computers in Education(optional Course) (ES-362)
* Guidance and Counselling(Optional Course) (ES-363)
* Head Teachers as Leaders (MES-004)
* Human Resource Development (MES-005)
* Managing Teaching Learning (MES-006)
* School Governance and Financial Management (MES-007)
* Leadership for Better Schools (MES-008)
* Higher Education Its Context and Linkages (MES-101)
* Instruction in Higher Education (MES-102)
* Higher Education The Psycho-Social Context (MES-103)
* Practicals (mjml-001)
* Recording, Mixing and Editing (mjm-003)
* Production and Presentation (mjm-002)
* Introduction to Broadcasting and Programming (mjm-001)
* Reporting, Writing and Editing (jmc-03)
* Mass Media and Society (jmc-02)
* Introduction to Communication (jmc-01)
* Laboratory Techniques in Physics (lt-4)
* Laboratory Techniques in Chemistry (lt-3)
* Laboratory Techniques in Biology (lt-2)
* Good Laboratory Practices (lt-1)
* Mathematical Modeling (mmt-009)
* Probility and Statistics (mmt-008)
* Differential Equations and Numerical Solutions (mmt-007)
* Real Analysis (mmt-004)
* Linear Algebra (mmt-002)
* Awareness-cum-Training Package in Disability(Cerebral Palsy) (ncd-003)
* Awareness-cum-Training Package in Disability(Visual Impairment)(Cerebral Palsy) (ncd-002)
* Awareness-cum-Training Package in Disability(Mental Retardation) (ncd-001)
* Food Safety and Quality Assurance (bfn-003)
* Hazards to Food Safety (bfn-002)
* Introduction to Food Saftey (bfn-001)
* Credit And Finance (bwee-008)
* Work and Entrepreneurship (bwee-007)
* Organisation and Leadership (bwee-006)
* Strategies for Women's Empowerment (bwee-004)
* Economics of Food (cfn-3)
* Your Food and Its Utilisation (cfn-2)
* Nutrition and Health Education (dnhe-3)
* Public Health and Hygirne (dnhe-2)
* Nutrition for the Community (dnhe-1)
* Communication and Extension in Rural Development (rrd-7)
* Rural Development-Planning and Management (mrd-103)
* Rural Development Programmes (mrd-102)
* Rural Social Development (mrde-101)
* Entrepreneurship and Rural Development (mrde-004)
* Land Reforms and Rural Development (mrde-003)
* Voluntary Action in Rural Development (mrde-002)
* Principles of Food Science (mfn-008)
* Principles of Food Science Practical (mfnl-008)
* Entrepreneurship andFood Service Management (mfn-007)
* Understanding Computer Applications (mfn-010)
* Research Methods and Biostatistics (mfn-009)
* Clinical and Therapeutic Nutrition Practical (mfn-005)
* Public Nutrition (mfn-006)
* Food Microbiology and Safety Practical (mfnl-003)
* Advanced Nutrition (mfnl-004)
* Applied Physiology (mfnl-001)
* Lab-II Cargo Work (bnal-012)
* Lab-I: Applied Science and Computer Lab (bnal-011)
* Navigation-VII (bna-051)
* Navigational Aids and Environmental Protection (bna-041)
* Navigation-II (bna-015)
* Navigation-I (bna-014)
* Electricity and Electronics (bna-013)
* Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (bme-035)
* Elective Subject (bme-030)
* Heat and Mass Transfer (bme-027)
* Condition Monitoring and Maintenance Engineering (bme-025)
* Mechanical Engineering Design (bme-024)
* Soft Computing in Computer Integrated Manufacturing (bme-022)
* Principles of Electrical and Electronics Sciences (bme-021)
* Engineering Materials (bme-018)
* Strength of Materials (bme-017)
* Engineering Mathematics-II (bme-015)
* Manufacturing Systems, Integration and control (bme-012)
* Computer Aided Process Planning (bme-011)
* Tool Engineering and Management (bme-010)
* Computer Programming and Application (bme-009)
* Quality Engineering (bme-007)
* Computer Integrated Manufacturing (bme-005)
* CNC Technology & Programming (bme-004)
* Computer Aided Design (bme-002)
* Structural Analysis (et-202B)
* Hydraulic Structures-II (et-536B)
* Hydraulic Structures-I (et-536A)
* Agricultural Legislation & Management (et-537B)
* Soil Conservation Management-I (et-537A)
* Water Resources Planning (et-534C)
* Open Channel Flow (et-533B)
* Irrigation Engineering (et-533A)
* Ground Water Development (et-532B)
* Hydrology (et-532A)
* Soil Sciences (et-531B)
* Earth & Its Environment (et-531A)
* Hydraulic Structures (et-535B)
* Elementary Hydrology (et-535A)
* Structural Design-II (et-508B)
* Structural Design-I (et-508A)
* Transportation & Traffic Engineering (et-505)
* Pollutants & Water Supply (et-507A)
* Computer Programming & Numerical Methods (et-302A)
* Flow in Open Channel (et-540B)
* Mechanics of Fluid (et-201A)
* Structural Analysis (et-502B)
* Strength of Materials (et-502A)
* Concrete Technology & Construction Techniques (et-522)
* Repair and maintenance of Buildings (et-523C)
* Operation & Maintenance of Construction Equipment (et-523B)
* Construction Works Supervision (et-523A)
* Quantity Surveying & Valuation (et-521D)
* Design Detailing (et-521C)
* Building Architecture (et-521B)
* Foundation Engineering (et-501B)
* Soil Mechanics (et-501A)
* Engineering Materials (et-204B)
* Materials Science(et-204A)
* Computer Applications(et-301B)
* Engineering Mechanics (et-202A)
* Chemistry (et-105B)
* Physics (et-105A)
* Mathematics-II (et-101B)
* Mathematics-I (et-101A)
* Wage and Salary Administration (ms-27)
* Retail Management (ms-612)
* Rural Marketing (ms-611)
* Marketing Communication and Advertising Management (ms-68)
* Marketing Research (ms-66)
* International Marketing (ms-64)
* Product Management (ms-63)
* Sales Management (ms-62)
* Consumer Behaviour (ms-61)
* Management of R&D and Innovation (ms-58)
* Materials Management (ms-56)
* Logistics and Supply Chain Management (ms-55)
* Management of Information Systems (ms-54)
* Production/Operations Management (ms-53)
* Project Management (ms-52)
* Operations Research (ms-51)
* Human Resource Development (ms-022)
* Advanced Strategic Management (ms-91)
* International Business (ms-97)
* Research Methodology for Management Decisions (ms-95)
* Technology Management (ms-94)
* Management of New and Small Enterprises (ms-93)
* Managerial Economics (ms-09)
* Quantitative Analysis for Managerial Applications (ms-08)
* Management of Machines and Materials (ms-05)
* Electronic Banking and IT in Banks (ms-425)
* International Banking Management (ms-424)
* Marketing of Financial Management (ms-423)
* Bank Financial Management (ms-422)
* International Financial Management (ms-45)
* Security Analysis and Portfolio Management (ms-44)
* Management Control Systems (ms-43)
* Communication and Information Technology (MES-032)
* Communication Technology for Distance Education (mes-115)
* Learner Support Services (mes-113)
* Growth and Philosophy of Distance Education (mes-111)
* Dairy Products-III (mes-016)
* Dairy Products-II (mes-015)
* Dairy Products-I (mes-014)
* Learning, Learner and Development (mes-013)
* Education, Nature and Purposes (mes-012)
* Understanding Education (mes-011)
* Higher Education The Psycho-Social Context (mes-103)
* Instruction in Higher Education Context (mes-102)
* Higher Education Its Context and Linkages (mes-101)
* Leadership for Better Schools (mes-008)
* School Governance and Financial Management (mes-007)
* Managing Teaching Learning (mes-006)
* Human Resource Development (mes-005)
* Head Teachers as Leaders (mes-004)
* Emerging Issues in Elementary Education (mes-023)
* Understanding the Elementary School Child (mes-022)
* English Teaching (mes-005)
* Chemistry Teaching (mes-004)
* Biology Teaching (mes-003)
* Exploring Physics in the Classroom (mes-002)
* Teaching and Learning of Mathematics (mes-001)
* Life Enrichment and self Development (mes-002)
* Teaching Learning Process and Evaluation (mes-001)
* Understanding the Primary School Child (cpe-4)
* Teaching Environmental Studies (cpe-3)
* Teaching of Mathematics (cpe-2)
* Teaching Language (cpe-1)
* Foundation in Subjects (ES-213)
* Integrated Learning at Primary Level (ES-212)
* Teaching of Health, Physical Education, art and work Experience (ES-204)
* Teaching of Environmental Studies (ES-203)
* Teaching Language (ES-201)
* Communication Technology for Distance Education (ES-318)
* Management of Distance Education (ES-314)
* Learner Support Services (ES-313)
* Design and Development of Self-Learning Meterials (ES-312)
* Growth and Philosophy of Distance Education (ES-311)
* Distance Education(Option Course) (ES-364)
* Educational Technology(optional Course) (ES-361)
* Teaching of Mathematics (ES-342)
* Teaching of Science (ES-341)
* Guidance and Counselling(Optional Course) (ES-363)
* Computers in Education(optional Course) (ES-362)
* Teaching of English (ES344)
* Teacher and School (ES-335)
* Education and Society (ES-334)
* Educational Evalution (ES-333)
* Psychology of Learning and Development (ES-332)
* Curriculum and Instruction (ES-331)
* Laboratory Course for CIT (citl-001)
* Introduction to Information Technology (cit-002)
* Fundamentals of Computer Systems (cit-001)
* Object Oriented Technologies and Java Programming (cit-001)
* Object Oriented Analysis and Design (MCS-032)
* Numerical & Statistical Computing (Mcse-004)
* Lab (based on MCS-032,034 and 035) (mcsl-036)
* Lab(based on mcs-051 & 053) (mcsl-054)
* Computer Graphics and Multimedia (mcs-053)
* Principles of Management and Information Systems (mcs-052)
* Artificial Intelligence & Knowledge Management (mcse-003)
* Parallel Computing (mcse-011)
* Advance Internet Technologies (mcs-051)
* Lab(Unix & Oracle) (mcsl-045)
* Mini Project (mcs-044)
* Advanced Database Management Systems (mcs-043)
* Data Communication and Computer Networks (mcs-042)
* Operating System (mcs-041)
* Software Engineering (mcs-034)
* Advanced Discrete Mathematics (mcs-033)
* Design and Analysis of Algorithms (mcs-031)
* Lab(based on MCS-021,022,023 & 024) (mcsl-025)
* Introduction to Database Management Systems (mcsl-023)
* Operating System Concepts and Networking Management (mcs-022)
* C and Assembly Language Programming Lab (mcsl-017)
* Internet Concepts and Web Design (mcsl-016)
* Communication Skills (mcs-015)
* Systems Analysis and Design (mcs-014)
* Discrete Mathematics (mcs-013)
* Computer Organisation and Assembly Language Programming (mcs-012)
* Problem Solving and Programming (mcs-011)
* Data and File Structures (mcs-021)
* Data and File Structures (mcs-021)