It is the very nature of civilized and educated individuals to express their concerns, if something happens wrong or unjust in the society. However it has been seen multiple times that AMU students fail to put their point across authorities. What is the reason behind this failure?
From the days I was in AMU I recall that when any incident happens, students get swayed by the moment and forget the logic and reasoning behind their actions. They loose focus on the main event and fill their agenda with "satellite" demands.
Needless to mention, the forces that destabilize the university, take this as an opportunity for their own benefit. Gradually the list is weakened by past events that may or may not bear a true relationship with the current situation. When the agenda is handed over to the authorities, they hold the weakest point that could distract the genuinely demanding students. Now when the new communication starts with the authorities, the main reason vanishes in the heap of weired discussions over past events. Result, you are aware with. Neither the victim gets any benefit nor the fellow brethren are satisfied.
In order to show the concerns for a victimized students they should keep the demands straight that is related with the current event and forget to mingle the past.
Not to mention, the welfare of the university should be the main aim of any protest and the same should be goal of authorities dealing with the matter. Whether it is the student or the authorities, the steps taken should finally benefit the the students as well as the university.