Sunday, September 13, 2009

Improve Your GK, It Never Goes Waste

General Knowledge

Sultan Of Brunei: Burning Topic In AMU Related Forum

A gentleman posted the pictures of lavish life relished by the Sultan of Brunei.

The question here is : Should the Sultan be spending like this?

The following is quoted from the mail itself.
3 children are born every second in this world;
10 mobile phones sold on the international level;
Auto manufacturers produce a car every 4.5 seconds on average;
and on the level of the human mind = brain cells send 200 directives each second to perform the various functions of physical and mental health.
The world spends 37 million euros for arms on the international level in one second
And the Sultan of Brunei's wealth increases by 90 euros every second!
No envy please!
This means around 5400 euros per minute, 324000 euros each hour, 7776000 euros a day
Implies about 54432000 euros a week (that's 54 million and 432000 thousand euros)
Brunei's Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah ... President of the richest country in the world
Popular, lavish, ... uses gold in everything
Was born literally eating with spoons made of gold
Clothes worn embroidered with gold and silver
These are some pictures of his palace ...
The largest and most luxurious palace in the world...
Consists of 1788 rooms with some furnished in gold and diamond-encrusted
257 bath inlaid with gold and silver
and a garage to accommodate 110 cars
The palace has 650 suites ... each furnished at not less than 150,000 thousand euros
This requires the visitor to spend 24 hours just to inspect each room for 30 seconds

I would like to quote some of the replies without mentioning the names for privacy reasons.

  • I don't seem to understand what the problem is...if he is living a lavish life, then he is the one to answer for his deeds....I bet anyone who would have so much money and wouldn't know where to spend would spend on's human nature....
  • There are many kings and sheikhs living lavish lives. Why single out this poor man?
  • All are answerable to Allah in th end.
  • Is it not the squandering of the public wealth of which the ruler is simply the custodian.
  • I believe the point   given by  XYZ Sb. is very  logical and ethical  and  most probably ,  because  the point  is very much Islamic .
  • And if it was an American then all would have been discussing HOW THEY ARE SO SUCCESSFUL.
  • Well atleast he is not dropping bombs anywhere, is he?
  • There is no restriction in Islam for one to have wealth. However, how that wealth is used and is Zakat paid on that wealth is important.
  • My question to all of you debating this issue is, "What you'd have done if you were in his shoes?
  • Don't rush for an'll get it wrong.
What is YOUR View ?