Saturday, June 27, 2009

Help Aligarh Muslim University To Progress Reaches 300 Well Wishers

Dear All,
It is matter of extreme pleasure to inform that this initiative has reached 300 well wishers. Its high time we gave back our little bit to Aligarh Muslim University our Alma Mater. We received excellent education, positions, designations, services and earn a decent livelihood after studying in this magnificent institute. Aren't we indebted. Isn't it our duty to do something for AMU.
If we want to protect it and let it prosper, for our future generations as well as our generations future, we ought to act right now.
Let this cause be alive and touch the hearts of AMU well wishers so that tomorrow we dwell in the feeling of satisfaction that we fulfilled our duties. Let the vision and mission of Sir Syed propagate and reach new heights. Kindly visit the following link and light one more candle that becomes the source to light a million others in a chain reaction.
Help Aligarh Muslim UNiversity To Progress
Highly Dynamic A.M.U. Aligarh Group On Facebook

1 comment:

  1. this university is not just a univ. but it is a legend, an epitome of sacrifice of great Muslim pioneers,a citadel of culture assembled with modernity and unique traditions
