Saturday, January 30, 2010

Easy Tips To An Organized Hostel Room

The easiest one, which I don't recommend, is to stick a witty poster ( sporting Denis etc.) on the door announcing your highly disorganized nature. But this is just a blatant excuse of the callousness and will keep you away from the real joy of an organized room. Organizing helps create a conducive environment to study and helps in time management for students.

Try a little bit everyday. Try to do the job of removing cluttering a little bit every day. If you keep waiting for the weekend, the things get messed up so badly that you may leave for the next weekend only to realize that the situation is even worse now. When returning from classes put the bags, copies and pens in their respective places at the very moment. If a vehicle has been used the keys should be kept in the most accessible place to avoid time loss when you have to start a trip again.

Make your bed every day: The habit of making your bed, bedsheets and blankets properly folded before leaving for the classes. It is bound to give you a soothing feeling when you return back tired.

When buying for racks other utilities for the table try to get a multipurpose rack. One single space will provide for keeping many of the things at an accessible place. Don't pile up junk receipts. Keep necessary and warranty related bills and warranty cards in a separate folder.

Avoid excessive shopping especially for clothes. Think realistically. Do you need more. Because the older ones keep lying and just gobble up the already limited space in the hostel shelves.

Try these simple steps and you will feel better, every day studying and relaxing in an organized and clean environment.
By: Saba Naaz